Friday, February 09, 2007


...I am a deeply superficial person
All right, so because of the things I do or say or like from time to time some people think I'm totally superficial. I won't say anything to my friends know who I really am and they're sticking up for me. Right, guys? Guys?!?!?!
Hmmm...okay...let's move on! The thing is that sometimes being superficial is really cool (notice the "super" in s-u-p-e-r-f-i-c-i-a-l if you please) and I don't think that should ever change. Full stop.
Of, and if I might add, right now I'm twice as superficial - loving the pinkish striped recycled Zara shirt from CubistLiterature, with green felt bunnies on top! And its name, "Contre le sexisme", inspires me to say I'm "Contre les anti-superficielles", too. Real full stop :)
see more at etsy.


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