that's soooo...

...fu*kin' sweet :)
Please excuse the language, but today I was just feeling the need to be somewhat bad. Now that I've done that (:P), let's get to more serious stuff.
Valentine's Day is coming, it's here have no fear...'cause we found the perfect gift for you and sweetie. This year, buy something that will bring you closer together (even if just in terms of space). Yes, love is about sharing, and what speaks of sharing better than these great lover gloves from made in design?
They're just like a relationship - each person has a glove of their own (a.k.a. their individual self) and a glove to share (a.k.a. their relationship self). But hey...we're getting a bit philosophically-psychological in here, and, although I know my friend deea_holideea would be proud of me, I'm just gonna stop now.
After all, they're just a cute pair of gloves and hey...they make such a sweet gift!
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