Friday, August 10, 2007

summer vacation is...

...for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I know. No posting lately, but I've really been sooooo busy with the holidays and all, I really had no time to do it... :)

But time to wake up and smell the...workweek - coming soon, too soon :(
Anyway, that's OK, you just can't be partying all the time, can you?? Although some of our friends from Timisoara think you can. Take a look at Andrei, he's just opened up a shop on cafepress and, as we hear from his press agent (that's what you get when you become a star :P), he's busy all day long drawing bunnies and hippos. Hummm...guys, can we join? :)

But this is no monkey business, we tell you! Andrei has some very serious thoughts about mixing clothes and psychology, so there you go. Blow their minds in Monkey Theatre apparel!


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