Thursday, July 27, 2006

go crazy! (now with support)

the next toy-mania
It's summer, it's hot and it's crazy. But it can be even crazier if you buy yourself a CUBee! Still, you have to follow a simple set of rules that will help you still look normal in the eyes of your friends, co-workers or even family. First, you have to have a kid; that way, you can pretend you didn't buy the CUBees for yourself, but "for the little one, look how happy he is with his new toys". If you don't have a child yet, make one or "borrow". After creating the alibi, get a piece of paper and write down the name of your favourite animal. Remember, just one (it's for your own good, remember money doesn't grow on trees). Does it:
a) bark; b) meow; c) oink; d) moo; e) chirp or f) quack?
Once you settled that, write another one (damn, it's so hard to resist, so we'll let you buy TWO of them!!!).
Now that you're ready, get here and buy them. You'll have a singing animal choir in no time - and bonus: each CUBee comes with other two smaller companions inside it - so you'll drive everyone crazy!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

11:05 AM  

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